3 Essential Emergency Medical Equipment That an EMS Provider Should Have

Emergency medical service providers have a tough job to deal with. After all every decision that they make is a matter of life and death. That’s why having essential emergency medical equipment should the foremost priority of any EMS provider.

Whether you are a small EMS provider or a hospital providing emergency service, having the latest EMS equipment can help you save lives. Here is a list of essential medical equipment that an emergency medical service provider should always invest in:


A defibrillator is an essential piece of equipment used for the treatment of ventricular fibrillation and cardiac dysrhythmias. The machine delivers a dose of electrical energy straight to the heart which helps the body to reestablish the natural movement of the heart and terminates the cardiac dysrhythmias. Defibrillators are available as external, implanted, or transvenous.

Infusion Pumps

Another essential device, an infusion pump aids in the delivery of fluids like medicines or nutrients. The amount of fluid to be delivered to the patient can be controlled. These pumps are a relatively inexpensive way to deliver fluids, especially when manual delivery is not possible.


A medical ventilator is a machine which is designed to aid breathing by mechanically moving air in and out of the lungs. Ventilators are used when a patient is unable to breather on his own or the breathing is not sufficient. These days most ventilators are computerized and mainly used in ICUs, or for emergency medical purposes.

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