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An Overview of the Rise in Asthma

Asthma, one of the most prevalent chronic lung diseases, has been on the rise since the adoption of heavy industry. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, at least 1 in 13 people have been diagnosed with this disease from childhood.


What is Asthma?

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that causes one’s airways to become inflamed and narrowed, resulting in shortness of breath, difficulty in breathing, coughing, wheezing, and more. And because of individual variance, this disease does not have a single method of diagnosis. To carry out a valid diagnosis, respiratory specialists usually use a spirometer to measure a patient’s lung capacity as well as to measure reactivity to bronchodilator medication. Once this is done, the specialist proceeds to measure oxygen saturation with a pulse oximeter so he/she can get an accurate picture of a patient’s overall function. With this result, a physician can tell precisely whether or not a patient has Asthma. 


One of the most frightening things about Asthma is the periodic attacks, which are characterized by heightened breathlessness. And this happens because the airways are inflamed, leading to the shrinking of the lumen. After this, mucus production follows, which further narrows the airways, making breathing very difficult. According to experts, some of the triggers for asthma attacks include tobacco, air pollution, dust mites, pet dander, viral infection, cockroach allergens, etc. 


What Happens During an Asthma Attack?

Several reactions take place in the body during an asthma attack besides the apparent case of difficulty breathing. According to professionals, an asthma attack is another instance of the body’s immune system not functioning as it should. This means, once the body comes in contact with a trigger, such as fumes, it triggers an asthma attack as the immune system interprets it as an attack from a foreign entity.


How to Combat the Rising Asthma Epidemic

Battling this chronic respiratory disease will involve keeping our communities free of industrial and agricultural pollution. Switching to a cleaner source of energy and other sustainable fuel is a necessary step. Creating and promoting policies that improve air quality and help us breathe easier, won’t hurt either.


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