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Everything You Should Know About Influenza This Season

Influenza is known to come in various strains and sub-types, causing unpleasant symptoms every flu season. Due to consisted mutation of the virus, it is often difficult to pinpoint which of the different influenza strains poses the most significant risks and how severe the symptoms it induces will be. Despite the relative uncertainty that surrounds every flu season, it is always a good idea to be armed with as much information as possible. But your favorite EMS supply store has put together a collection of essential facts and tips you should know about influenza so you can adequately protect yourself and your family.

What is the flu?

Influenza, commonly referred to as the flu, is a contagious and sometimes even deadly illness that circulates more commonly at certain times throughout the year. This condition usually comes with symptoms that range from mild to severe. 

Who can be affected?

Influenza is no respecter of persons. Babies, children, teenagers, and adults are all susceptible to the flu. However, children, pregnant women, older adults, and people with chronic medical conditions are most likely to suffer from the life-threatening complications of the disease. 

What are the symptoms?

Although there are different strains of the disease, there are specific observable symptoms which they all share. Symptoms of influenza include:

  1. Fever
  2. Body aches
  3. Fatigue
  4. Runny nose
  5. Nausea and vomiting, especially in young children
  6. Headaches
  7. Coughing
  8. Sore throat

Be sure to visit your healthcare provider if you notice any of these symptoms. After conducting a physical exam and a series of tests, your doctor would be able to give a proper diagnosis. If it is diagnosed that you have the flu, medications may be prescribed to reduce the severity of your symptoms and quicken the healing process.

How long does the flu season last?

Influenza can spread at any time of the year. However, the flu season usually starts in October and can continue into late April.

How can I protect myself from the flu?

Vaccinations still offer the best form of protection against influenza. It is recommended that all individuals above the age of six months should get the vaccine early in the year. You can get the flu vaccine at the office of your healthcare provider or health clinics.

If you’re diagnosed with the flu, take your prescribed medications religiously and get enough rest. Also, avoid contact with others until a day or two after the fever breaks to prevent spreading the disease. If your healthcare facility needs a few extra supplies from an EMS supply store to combat this year’s flu season, browse Coast Biomedical’s inventory and feel free to reach out if you have any questions about equipment or services. 

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