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Medical Equipment You Should See at Every Pool This Summer

Medical Equipment Every Swimming Pool Should Have

We tend to feel safe at a pool if it has a lifeguard on duty or a visible floatation device to use in case of emergency. However, there’s more to keeping pool-goers safe. With summer in full swing, there are a few types of essential medical equipment that should be available to everyone who enjoys a public swimming pool this summer.

Updated, Undamaged Rescue Equipment

Rescue equipment is the technical name for the floatation device that you might see hanging on the wall or fencing of a pool. While lifeguards need more than just this in an emergency, it’s still crucial that pool owners offer at least one set of rescue equipment per lifeguard on duty. This is just in case multiple people need assistance or if one floatation device is damaged.

An Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

This might seem overly complicated and even a little silly, but high levels of physical activity in high temperatures can increase the risk of a sudden heart attack, especially for people who have heart conditions or struggle with chronic illnesses.

As a result, most public pools have an automated external defibrillator (AED) in case someone has a heart attack. Many states, such as Maryland, are recommending that defibrillators be available at all public pools and other recreational facilities.

A First Aid Kit

This is the second most obvious item on the list. However, the importance of a fully stocked first aid kit cannot be underestimated. Scrapes and other types of physical injuries are common at pools and other recreational facilities, and having emergency medical supplies available is crucial to limiting infections.

Being Prepared for Emergencies at the Pool

Emergencies can happen anywhere. Having the necessary medical equipment can help minimize damage as well as keep people safe. It’s important that pool owners make sure all their medical equipment is functioning properly and, in the case of first aid kits, fully stocked. In addition, lifeguards should be trained on how to use all the medical equipment that is available to them. Businesses like Coast Biomedical provide new and refurbished medical equipment and accessories, such as AEDs and first aid kits. 

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