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Different Medical Devices Hospitals Use to Monitor Patients

A Close Look at 6 Medical Devices Used for Monitoring Hospital Patients

Modern hospitals use a variety of medical devices to monitor patients. Medical devices are used for a variety of reasons, such as measuring vitals and detecting potential health problems. These monitoring tools help diagnose the problem and provide treatment plans for patients. 

  1. Blood Pressure Monitor

An automated blood pressure monitor measures blood pressure. These are used in patient rooms, outpatient offices, and emergency rooms. In these areas, the monitors are usually put on the walls or tables, so patients can access them while they are lying down. The monitors can help prevent strokes.

  1. Electrocardiogram (ECG)

The heart rate is monitored with an electrocardiogram (ECG). TThe machine also displays the patient’s heart rate and rhythm. This piece of medical equipment helps detect irregular or abnormal patterns. ECGs can pinpoint heart problems along with what might be causing them. 

  1. Ultrasound

This medical device uses sound waves to produce images of various internal body organs and structures, such as a fetus in a pregnant woman. This device is typically used in a healthcare setting. The primary function of the ultrasound is to find and examine the fetus. Ultrasounds are also used to monitor a variety of medical conditions.

  1. Holter Monitor

A Holter monitor is used to record electrical impulses from the heart. It is usually placed on the chest and connected to a pair of electrodes. The health professionals can then determine if there are any irregular heartbeats or other changes in the heart based on the readings from the sensors.

  1. Blood Glucose Monitor

This monitor directly measures a patient’s blood glucose level. The glucose level helps determine whether the patient is diabetic or insulin resistant. This monitor is typically kept on the patient’s arm at all times.

  1. Chest X-Ray

A chest X-ray can help determine if a person’s lungs are clear and healthy enough for the patient to breathe independently. Chest X-rays are used in hospitals to determine the need for additional surgical procedures or different medicines. If you need new or refurbished medical equipment for your hospital, contact a medical equipment supplier like Coast Biomedical.


The use of medical devices is a vital part of modern healthcare. Doctors and nurses need to monitor the patient’s condition and health to develop treatment plans. A healthcare facility will typically have various types of medical devices on hand to help monitor patients.

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