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Streamlining the Primary Assessment Process

The primary assessment process is important for determining the flow of an emergency response call. While the primary assessment process is taught in linear steps, this can cause the process to take longer than necessary. Here are a few tips to help you streamline the primary assessment process.

Combine Some of the ABC Assessments

Even though the ABC (airway, breathing, and circulation) assessments are taught as individual steps, this is more to ensure that students know what’s involved in each step.

In practice, it’s permissible to conduct multiple ABC checks at one time. For example, asking a patient to speak while you take their pulse allows you to determine if their airway is blocked, see if they’re breathing, and obtain insight into their circulation all at once.

Delegate Tasks

When working with other EMS providers, the primary provider should delegate tasks to get them completed quicker.

One EMS provider might assess the patient’s ABCs, while another provider gathers and sets up EMS equipment. Delegate the most important tasks first.

Understand What Treatments Should Occur During the Primary Assessment Process

Generally, you’ll want to start with the least invasive treatment to correct a problem. Once the issue is corrected, you’ll move on to the next step.

Avoid prioritizing treatments that cause other essential treatments to be missed. As an example, when dealing with a suspected narcotics overdose, if the patient is exhibiting signs of an altered mental state, you might decide that this is sufficient evidence to indicate that their airway is compromised.

You may decide to initiate ventilation procedures as soon as you observe an altered mental state, even if you can correct the cause.

This prevents the patient from experiencing low oxygen levels while you work to administer naloxone. Addressing the cause shouldn’t supersede other procedures.

Get the Biomedical Equipment You Need to Treat Patients

It’s essential to have biomedical equipment and EMS equipment that allows you to respond to your patient’s needs. Visit Coast Biomedical Equipment today for all your equipment needs. 


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