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Facts to Know About an Ambulance

When you are faced with a medical emergency, you need to breathe and call for medical help. It is crucial to ensure that you or the person you’re calling for get help as soon as possible. An ambulance will come to your location, pick up the person needing help, and transfer them to a hospital.

When Should I Call an Ambulance?

Knowing when to call an ambulance or EMS can potentially save your life or the life of another. Here are some situations in which it is very much appropriate for you to call for an ambulance:

  •   Severe burns or scalds
  •   An accident resulting in serious injuries
  •   Severe allergic reactions
  •   Loss of consciousness
  •   Severe bleeding that is unable to be stopped
  •   Sudden confusion
  •   An altered mental state
  •   Breathing difficulties
  •   Fits that are not stopping
  •   Chest pain

What Equipment Will I Find Inside an Ambulance?

Here is an insight into some of the equipment you will find inside an ambulance:

  •   Jump bag
  •   Bag Valve Mask (BVM)
  •   Suction Unit
  •   Trauma/Spinal Board
  •   Cervical Collar
  •   Medication Bag
  •   ECG Monitor with Defibrillator
  •   Ventilators
  •   Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
  •   Haemo Glucometer (HGT)
  •   Wheeled Cot
  •   Miscellaneous Medical Items

The Bottom Line

In the face of a medical emergency, an ambulance can be your lifeline. It will transfer you quickly and safely to a hospital. It is crucial to always have the right numbers in your phone or in an easily accessible space in case of emergency.

This way, you will know exactly which number to call if you are faced with a medical emergency. When it comes to the equipment inside an ambulance, it is important to ensure that it is in working condition, so no one is ever left without medical attention.

Here at Coast Biomedical Equipment, if you need to trade in old equipment or purchase new equipment, we offer new and refurbished equipment with a warranty. We have many different budget-friendly options for equipment that is still highly effective.

You can visit us online today to order your EMS supplies. We are always here to help and find the right option for you!

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