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11 of the Best Resources for EMS

Medical emergencies come in many forms — and so do the tools available to first responders who help those in need. Here are 11 of the most important biomedical equipment options and resources available to this unique professional community.

1. Gurneys

Gurneys permit the safe transport of patients who can’t move themselves. It’s critical to have a reliable gurney or stretcher on hand — and know how to use it properly.

2. Equipment Cases

Proper carrying cases make it easier to protect lifesaving equipment from the rigors of transportation and routine use. Durable models with carrying straps, pockets, and other features also let responders render aid wherever it’s needed.

3. Training Manikins

CPR training manikins let you practice proper technique so that you’re ready for the real thing. They’re essential tools for safe, sanitary education.

4. EKGs

EKGs and ECGs can help collect vital data to increase diagnostic accuracy and improve outcomes.

5. Employee Assistance Programs

Serving as a first responder is an extremely stressful job — so be proactive about employee well-being! According to the Journal of Emergency Medical Services, suicide contemplation drops significantly when EMS staff have access to employee assistance programs (EAP) and other formal support. 

6. Consumable IV Supplies

Intravenous therapy helps treat numerous medical conditions. Syringes and other consumable supplies facilitate safe IV administration that minimizes pathogen transmission.

7. Custom Kits

It’s impossible to anticipate every possible emergency. Custom kits are a great option for rounding out your response arsenal.

8. Patient Monitors

Monitoring patients closely increases the odds of delivering the correct care — both at the response site and in subsequent hospital settings.

9. Evacuation Chairs

Evacuation chairs provide more compact alternatives to gurneys and stretchers. They make it possible to help patients in close quarters.

10. Batteries 

In the world of modern emergency medicine, reliable batteries are must-haves. Without them, it’s impossible to keep equipment working and stay prepared.

11. Ventilators

Ventilators are another critical tool with widespread applications — particularly in the wake of novel respiratory illnesses like COVID-19.

Want to stay up to date on leading EMS resources and practices? Follow Coast Biomedical Equipment for the latest news and details.

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