A Guide to Appropriate AED Signage and Placement

The Right Signage Placement Could Save a Life

What would happen if someone visiting or working in a building went into cardiac arrest? If you’re attempting to help the victim, would you be able to quickly find the defibrillator and help save that person’s life? For this reason, signage is very important.

Victims of cardiac arrest have the best chance of survival if AED signage is present and shows the location of the AED defibrillator clearly.

What Is an AED?

You may have purchased or are thinking about purchasing an AED, which stands for Automated External Defibrillator. An AED is used for a person who has experienced sudden cardiac arrest. Finding an AED should not be a challenge in the event of an emergency. AED locations should be clearly marked and in optimal locations to minimize the response time. The victim’s rate of survival decreases by 10 percent every minute a defibrillator is not used.

Different Types of Signage

Signs should be placed in areas where there is the greatest chance of a sudden cardiac arrest occurring. An AED must be accessible at all times and in an optimal location. A sign indicating the AED location must be easily visible in common areas.

Signage should be directly above the equipment as well as around the building. Make sure the signage is consistent throughout the entire building, so that if an emergency happens, individuals can easily find the AED.

It is important that the AED be available 24/7. It should not be locked or in an area that isn’t accessible at all times. If there is only one defibrillator in a multistory building, signs should be put on every floor that direct individuals to its location. Sign placement near an elevator is wise if that is the case.

Some signs for a one-floor office include the following:

  • Three-dimensional wall signs
  • Signs with arrows
  • Signs mentioning a specific location

Placement of signs requires some planning. Having an AED defibrillator is a wise step; showing people how to find it is even better. Someone’s life may depend on it.

At Coast Biomedical, we want to be sure that you have the right equipment and supplies as well as the most effective signage.

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