Simulaids Advanced Military Casualty Simulation Kit


Manufacturer Information (Click Here)

Includes assortment of cotton balls, cotton applicators/swab sticks, tongue depressors, tissues, makeup sponges, and spatulas

Bleeding Strap-On Wounds Complete with Reservoir Bags with Pump Assembly:

• Compound fractures of tibia, lower leg (2)

• Compound fractures of humerus, upper arm (2)


• Assorted stick-on injury simulations (5 one-doz. pkgs.)

Makeup Accessories:

• Atomizer mist sprayers (2)

• Body adhesive for stick-on wounds (2)

• Bottles coagulant makeup blood (2)

• Broken Plexiglas for simulating glass imbedded wound (2 pkgs.)

• Casualty simulation wax (2)

• Charcoal (1)

• Cold cream (1)

• Fake dirt (2)

• Glycerine for perspiration (1)

• Latex compound to simulate scars (3)

• Makeup liners each in red, blue, brown, white, yellow, black, & flesh (2)

• Makeup palette (1)

• Measuring cup (1)

• Methyl cellulose for blood thickening (1)

• Mineral oil (1)

• Mirror (1)

• Petroleum jelly (2)

• Plastalene Modeling Paste, white (1)

• Plastalene Modeling Paste, dark (1)

• Powder to make 3 gallons of simulated blood (3 pkgs.)

• Pressure sensitive tape (2)

• Scissors (1)

• Size: 22 in. x 13 in. x 15 in

SKU: C270-0032 Categories: ,