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3 Reasons to Purchase a Refurbished Defibrillator

Many are surprised when they learn they can purchase a refurbished defibrillator. This option provides a quality piece of equipment for a fraction of the cost, making it a great alternative for organizations shopping for equipment on a budget. Before you make a decision, consider these three reasons to purchase a refurbished piece of equipment instead of buying new.

  1. Refurbished Equipment is More Affordable

When shopping on a budget, you might be surprised to learn that purchasing a refurbished defibrillator can cost as little as half the price of a new one. Refurbishing allows organizations to acquire high-end equipment that they normally would not be able to afford. Instead of purchasing a very basic model, a piece of refurbished equipment allows you to a fully-automated function that might not otherwise be included at a fraction of the cost.

  1. Refurbished Equipment Performs the Same Functions

Prior to being available for purchase, all refurbished pieces of equipment will have gone through rigorous testing. During testing, each device is tested for function and are equipped with a new battery and electrodes. Additionally, refurbished models come already calibrated and are ready to be used right out of the box. One of the best features that accompany refurbished models is that most come with a one-year extended warranty that guarantees their effectiveness and battery life.

  1. Buying Refurbished is the Greener Choice

Manufacturing a new defibrillator from scratch is a costly process. Because of this, many manufacturers have invested thousands of dollars and countless hours in the design and production of every model. As a result, they end up using many environmental resources to accomplish this task. Everything from the plastic housing on the device, the batteries that power it, and the electrodes that are placed on a patient’s chest require fossil fuels, water, and other natural resources to make. Organizations interested in reducing their impact on the environment can purchase a refurbished model.

As you can see there are a few reasons why a refurbished defibrillator is the better choice when shopping for new medical equipment. At Coast BioMedical, we sell refurbished equipment that is affordable and high quality. Check out our selection today!

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