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Certified Biomedical Equipment Technicians at Coast Biomedical Equipment

When responding to a medical emergency, it’s essential for EMS workers to have access to accurate, reliable equipment. To keep your EMS equipment working properly, a trained professional should complete your EMS equipment repairs and maintenance.

Ideally, the individual handling your repairs and maintenance should have a CBET (College of Biomedical Equipment Technology) certification and any applicable manufacturer certifications.

Why Certification Matters

A repair technician who’s CBET-certified has extensive knowledge regarding computers, software, electromechanical devices, and networks that are used for healthcare. This knowledge means that these technicians know how to correctly repair and maintain equipment, ensuring its accuracy and reliability.

EMS workers depend on these devices to provide patients with the potentially life-saving care that they need. You want the highest quality of work when EMS equipment is repaired, and a CBET-certified technician has the knowledge and experience to properly troubleshoot and fix your medical equipment.

Biomedical equipment repair technicians can also possess certifications from specific equipment manufacturers. These certifications mean that the techs thoroughly understand the mechanics of the equipment, enabling them to provide prompt, reliable repair work.

The Requirements to Obtain the CBET Certification

To acquire the CBET certification, applicants must have an associate degree or higher in biomedical equipment technology and two years’ of full-time work experience, complete a U.S. military biomedical equipment technology program and two years of work experience, have an associate degree or higher in electronics technology and three years of full-time work experience, or have four years’ worth of full-time work experience.

Applicants must also pass the CBET exam, which consists of 165 questions. They have three hours to complete the exam.

Requirements for equipment manufacturer certifications will vary, but they typically include a combination of experience, education, and exams.

Request Service and Repair from Coast Biomedical Equipment

Have EMS equipment that’s due for maintenance servicing or needs repairs? Visit Coast Biomedical Equipment online to request service and repair. All of our technicians have manufacturer certifications and the CBET certification. 

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